Monday 3 May 2010

How my music video followed typical characteristics of the Electropop genre

Common forms and conventions of Electropop:

•Fast-cut montage - providing a professional look/ leaves audience wanting to see it again
•Unique and bold - Very stylish sets and mise-en-scene
•Concept and narrative based
•Appear quite modern and bright
•Light hearted and relaxed atmosphere
•Use of bright colours within video
•Often quite childlike
•Original ideas - videos within this genre don't like to stick to safe ideas they seem quite experimental

After researching these specific genre characteristics I tried to incorporate them into my own video so my music video was obviously seen to be the Electropop genre

•The main editing technique used in Electropop music videos is fast-cut montage; I used this within my own music video and found it made my video look much more professional as no clip was longer than 3 seconds. This leaves the audience wanting to see more as they won’t get the full grasp of the video at first as the clips are too short. This also helped as my video was purely concept based, I needed a lot of cuts to make sure the audience wouldn’t get bored
•I used a lot of bright colours within my music video which fits with the Electropop genre and also helped with creating the childlike paradigm, I used brightly coloured toys such as building blocks and cars; I hung up fairground style flags in different colours and also used some balloons.
•Electropop is all about being experimental with their music and videos, and I feel I was extremely experimental within mine, due to the fact my video was purely concept based with no people in my video at all which is very different from the norm. I also feel that making the toys appear to come ‘alive’ was also a unique idea.
•They also have an particularly effective mise-en-scene, and this aspect of my video is what I think worked best
•A common characteristic of Electropop music videos are a light-hearted and relaxed atmosphere, the use of the toys and light colours helped create this and also the use of the furry puppet creating a comical aspect of the video, providing even more of a light – hearted atmosphere.
•Also most Electropop music videos are either concept or narrative based so my video being purely concept based helped with following some of the typical conventions of the Electropop genre.

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