Tuesday 4 May 2010

Audience feedback results - ancillaries

My results from my audience feedback were really positive on my ancillary tasks,100% thought that my CD cover and my magazine advert fulfilled their purpose as successful media products. 100% also said that all three media texts go together 'really well' as a combination. From these two questions I put the answers as ways of taking the different readings from the encoder/decoder model. These results show that all of my focus group took the dominant reading from my media texts.

This graph shows what different people chose as their favourite part of my CD cover. This shows that the most popular answer was 'the combination of the front and back cover', 40% of my focus group chose this answer, closely followed by 'general layout' - 30% and 'images' - 20%. These were the results I was expected as this shows that the overall combination of the CD cover and its layout were seen as great parts of the CD cover.

This graph shows the same as the above graph but for the magazine advert instead. 50% of my focus group liked the use of the CD cover within the advert. with 20% liking the images and 20% liking the general layout. This shows that generally what attracts people to a CD cover or advert selling the CD is the overall layout and strong images.

100% of my target audience said they think my CD cover would stand out in a shop, when asked why the most common answer was to do with unique style and good images.

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