Monday 3 May 2010

How I aimed my music video at my target audience

My target audience are mainly:

•Social stratification was difficult to find as they are mainly young people they probably won’t have high paying jobs, but that’s not to say their parents don’t so I found social stratification didn’t matter in this case.

I found this out after researching Owl City’s main target audience online. I have tried to aim my product at a younger, female fan base how are mainly white, American/European. I did this through a number of different ways:

•Using a little girl’s bedroom instead of a boy’s, this provided me with a more feminine look to my mise-en-scene through colours, toys and textures.
•The whole concept of my video is childlike innocent and magic which reflects well on my target audience who are mainly teenagers and young adults who would relate well to the concept of childhood and innocence.
•Through camera angles I have provided a sense of being close to the action which covers one of the aspects of the uses and gratification of wanting to feel involved
•The concept of my music video is generally aimed at white, American/ Europeans due to trying to create a childlike paradigm which would work well within this particular target audience.
•I have created syntagmatic connotations through the use of montage, to provide an order of events that appear to make toys ‘come alive’ this fits well within my concept and would appeal to a younger audience.
•I have used a variety of camera angles to provide more of a visual spectacle for my audience and to make my video look more dynamic, this would appeal to my young target audience as they would often be on the internet and if my music video is interesting to look at they will want to watch it again and again instead of getting bored.
•I have also used a furry puppet within some of my scenes to create a like comical feel to my video which would appeal to a younger target audience.
•The setting of the little girl’s bedroom worked brilliantly for aiming my product at a female audience as a lot of the toys, cupboards etc were baby pink and purple providing feminine colours throughout my production.

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