Tuesday 4 May 2010

How the CD cover was aimed at my target audience

Designing a CD cover that looks effective and links well with the genre, artist and video are important but another important factor is will if it attract the target audience? The CD cover has to attract its main target audience otherwise if wouldn't fulfil its purpose as a successful CD cover. I have designed this CD cover to suit my target audience. My target audience are mostly female, between 14-25 years of age and mainly white,Europian or American ethnicity. Here is how I attracted this particular group:

* Curvy, feminine font style - providing a feminine approach to the text
* Using the racetrack as my image - this is a young, childlike paradigm providing a youthful approach to my CD cover
* It's a very simple and innocent image - this gives a fresh approach and looks more innocent and childlike
* I have used bright colours of yellow and green within my text and the colours of the cars - providing the audience with a youthful vibe to my CD cover
* On the back of my CD cover I have also put Owl City's website and myspace webpage - Mostly the younger generation of my target audience use myspace providing my young audience with a social way of researching the band through ways they are used to.

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