Tuesday 4 May 2010

Audience feedback to ancillaries

I used the same focus group that I used for my video to show them the video again to refresh their memory and then I showed them my CD cover and my magazine advert, I then handed out this questionnaire to gain feedback from my target audience about how they felt all three linked together and if they thought my ancillary tasks were successful

1.Do you think my CD cover and magazine advert fulfil their purpose as successful media products?

Yes completely [ ]
Mostly yes [ ]
Only slightly [ ]
Not at all [ ]

2.What is your favourite part of the CD cover?

Images [ ]
Colours [ ]
Text font and colour [ ]
General layout [ ]
How the front and back link together [ ]
Other [ ] (please state).................................................

3.What is your favourite part of the magazine advert?

Images [ ]
Colours [ ]
Use of CD cover within advert [ ]
Text font and colours [ ]
General layout [ ]
Other [ ] (please state).................................................

4.If you were in a music shop looking at CD’s do you think my CD cover would stand out?(If Yes state why)

No [ ]
Yes [ ] .......................................................

5.After watching my video of ‘Hot Air Balloon’ by Owl city and then seeing my CD cover and magazine advert, how well do you think all three go together as a combination?

Really well [ ]
Quite well [ ]
Only a little bit [ ]
Not at all [ ]

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