Monday 22 March 2010

People's initial interpretations - Hot Air Balloon - Owl City

We gave the lyrics and played our chosen song to the same focus group, and asked them what they thought this song meant so that we could see if there were any simlarities between the two songs. This was to see if we could put together any conventions in the style and message of the two songs.

"I think it has to do with ignoring your preconceptions and just doing something fun. especially the lines "i'll be out of my mind/and you'll be out of ideas pretty soon" remind me of someone who is making excuses to not do something they really want to." - Paddy

"This song is so catchy. The first time I listened to it, it kind of annoyed me.
but it's so cheery and bouncy. I can't stop listening to it.
I guess it's just about having an adventure,and procrastination of serious things in life." - Lizzie

"I feel that there is such a sad undertone to a lot of the songs owl city put out but all with such an upbeat sound it is distracting many from his lyrics. ..."spend the afternoon in a COLD hot air balloon....I can't wait to kiss the ground wherever we touch back down."
The lyrics are very sarcastic. To me this song is about a relationship having a not so great moment. Whatever it is he is using an interesting visual with the Cold Hot wording and he wants out of the "balloon" or maybe situation and can't wait. Of course the interpretation will be different for everyone, as it always it, but I just have to point out that this song never sounded happy to me, just the beat is fun." - James

"This song actually makes me think of playing pretend with kids. You know how they can imagine so much? That's why the cold hot air balloon thing could make sense, because you're not actually flying, you're just pretending." - Bonnie

"I think this song's beat is somehow misleading because it can really be a sad song if you'll listen to it closely and pay attention to the lyrics more." - Jake

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