Monday 22 March 2010


After some great consideration Ciara and I decided to change our inital idea for our music video after we encountered many, many problems.

We firstly had too many characters which meant organising every one to be in one place and one time proved difficult.
Another major issue was that many of the actors would cancel at last minute leaving us unable to film. After finally finishing our filming we began editing and found that our story line got so complicated that when we showed our focus group, they couldn't understand the plot. As encoders to a production such as a music video, it was a disaster when we realised our decoders couldn't decode the dominant reading of the storyline and meaning.

This is when Ciara and I with the help of our teacher decided to take a big risk and start a fresh. We had a long convosation thinking up a new, fresh idea easy to film and something that involved less people and an easier plot to understand. After watching the music video 'Dirty Little Secret' by the All-American rejects we realised we loved the idea of using lots of different people holding up song lyrics, but we couldn't find a song to match this idea. After flicking through 100's of songs we found a song called 'Hot Air Balloon' by Owl City we loved its electronic and upbeat sound with its childlike lyrics. This was our song! Then the brainwave of using toys creating a kind of 'Toy Story' effect where all the toys appear to come alive by themselves proved creative and fun so we decided on this effect.I got the inspiration of toys appearing to move by themselves by watching Kate Nash's video for 'Foundations' where through a series of stills household objects appear to move by themselves.

Next is to brain storm the different ideas we could use in this video.

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