Saturday 27 March 2010

Common forms and conventions of the Electropop genre

After researching a previous video by Owl City, 'Vanilla Twilight' and 3 other songs by artists in a similar genre I found a few typical forms and conventions:

* Fast-cut montage - providing a professional look/ leaves audience wanting to see it again
* Unique and bold - Very stylish sets and mise-en-scene
* Concept and narrative based
* Appear quite modern and bright
* Light hearted and relaxed atmosphere
* Use of bright colours within video
* Original ideas - videos within this genre don't like to stick to safe ideas they seem quite experimental

After identifying these forms and conventions, I will take some of these into account when planning my own video. I will stick to some of these conventions such as using fast-cut montage, use bright colours and create a light hearted and happy atmosphere, I will also have a concept video but I am not having performance within my video as I feel it will detract from the innocence and fairytale being created, within this genre I feel I can challenge conventions as this genre is all about being unique.

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