Tuesday 23 February 2010

Casting our actors

Casting the actors in our music video is the most important part of beginning our video as these are the people that could make our video completely credible or not at all. We had already created our characters and decided we needed to try and find suitable actors to fit our specific roles.
The roles we have decided on are:

Band Members:
#1 - lead singer/piano: Ollie
#2 – Drums: Jake
#3 - Guitar: Connor

Granddad: Teri’s father
Granddad (young man): Matt Tate
Daughter: Teri
Daughter (younger): Hannah

The roles of the band members have only really just been decided on as the people we had originally cast as our band lived to far away and went to all different schools so trying to find a time where they could all fit in with each others schedules proved hard. We then changed our band members to two of our friends in our year and the other member is Ciara’s brother so we found it much easier to fit into everyone’s schedules.

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