Tuesday 23 February 2010

Analysing the lyrics

"Creative minds are rarely tidy."
This is the paper representation of the erratic yet creative minds of Ciara and I. Despite the scruffy and incredibly sketchy notes, this is our first outline of how we visualise the song.
Taking it line by line, even half a line at a time, we've discussed and pictured how we want to portray the theme of the song, using either narratives or performances.
The century before you never could turn 21
Years and years he waited just watching for a son
For someone to go ahead, take the name he said
Years and years he waited and a daughter came instead
Verse 2, was particularly challenging in agreeing what to show. So, we held FOCUS GROUP.
Our focus group consisited of Team members Ciara and I, class peers; Bonnie & Jake, our media teachers Mrs Hamilton and Mr Bohazech. We played the particular part of the song to them, and asked them to voice their initial thoughts, what they visualised when they listened to the lyrics. We then explained the context of the song, and played it back to them, and then noted their interpretations.
- Bonnie and Jake: They explained that they pictured a guy, sitting at the end of a hospital corridor watching time go by. With the world around him moving a faster pace than him.
- Mrs Hamilton and Mr Bohazech: Both agreed that this section would be particularly emotive were it purely based on the performance side of things. With the band members really singing and playing with great enthusiasm and emotion in their faces using close up shots etc.
We took these into account and began our discussion.. To be honest, its still going on, so until we decide this is the end of the post.

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