Wednesday 28 April 2010

Final focus group

Here I showed my focus group (media class and teacher) the final screening of my music video.

They were all really impressed with my use of montage and mise-en-scene and found this successful, again they all took the dominant reading of my text, showing that the understand what I am trying to portray.

After this I then showed another focus group my video. This group comprised of 10 of my friends that would fit into my target audience for my product. I did this to see if my media product gave decoders in my target audience the dominant reading or because they hadnt seen my video develop over time like my other focus group they may not get it and could possibly take the aberant meaning to my text.

I showed my video and then handed out a questionnaire. I ask them to do this in silence and told them they were annoymous so that I would get more of an honest answer. My questionnaire and my results are shown in the posts above.

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